
A thank you note to friendship extroverts


I love reading, but I get serious book anxiety—here’s how I cope

When I was growing up, my anxiety disorder affected me in lot of ways, but…


Why I don’t regret ending my engagement

It seems like every time I scroll through my news feed, another couple is announcing…


How to be a good long-distance sibling

Money & Career

Discouraging things people say to aspiring YA authors (and how to rise above the negativity)

When I tell people that I write YA fiction, I brace myself for the judging….


Unexpected things you learn in your first year post-grad

Everyone says that the first year after graduating from college is the hardest. It’s been…

TV Shows

Last-minute themes to make your holiday party momentous

My sister and I host a holiday party every year for our mutual friends, and…

Home & Decorating

The things you deal with when you cut off all your hair

Maybe you’ve dreamed of having short hair your entire life (or at least since pigtails…