Tim Roth Joins the ILO in Asking You to Hold Up Your Red Card
Since working with my friend Bonnie Abaunza at the United Nations (UN) and their International…
Can We Stop Malaria Without Spraying Deadly Pesticides All Over Everything?
This Has Been Bothering Me: In learning about the malaria epidemic, namely in parts of Africa,…
My Teenager’s Afternoon with Katharine McPhee for Malaria No More
This past weekend, my 15-year-old son was invited to Pizza With An Icon, a program in…
UN x ILO: International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
August 9, 2013 marks the United Nation’s International Day of the World’s Indigenous People –– a day and…
In the Pursuit of Understanding and Involvement of a New Generation
Moving onward in my career as an author, I have made the conscious decision to…
The Wonders of Coconut Oil
One of the first things I’m doing during my Third Annual Makeover Month (#MM3) at Karrine &…