labor rights activist
labor rights activist

This is the game-changing labor rights activist you’re most like, based on your zodiac sign

The world is in need of some inspiration right now. While there have been many…


9 feminist Halloween costumes that are too perfect for 2018

With Halloween around the corner, it’s important to remember that costumes don’t need to be…

stretching can improve your sex life
stretching can improve your sex life

These are the stretches you should do if you want to improve your sex life

You know that stretching is good for your bod. It reduces muscle tension, increases flexibility,…

new moon in libra
new moon in libra

A new moon in Libra will rise tonight, so set your relationship intentions now

If you’re looking to hit restart on your relationships, then look no further than October’s…

weekly horoscope
weekly horoscope

Your HelloGiggles horoscope, October 7th to 13th: Our relationships are about to get intense AF

Lately you’ve probably been spending your time admiring the autumn leaves with your loved ones,…

orgasmic meditation
orgasmic meditation

“Orgasmic meditation” is a thing, and you need just 15 minutes to try it

Meditation can help with a lot of different things. Most of us know it can…

venus retrograde
venus retrograde

Venus Retrograde starts tomorrow, so prepare to have your love life rocked

Just when we thought we were out of retrograde season, it pulls us back in….

kylie jenner memorable moments
kylie jenner memorable moments

11 of Kylie Jenner’s most memorable moments, because this girl always keeps us on our toes

The one and only Kylie Jenner has come a long way from sidekick little sister…

weekly horoscope
weekly horoscope

Your HelloGiggles horoscope, September 30th to October 6th: Enjoy your full social calendar while it lasts

Ooh boy. It’s a new month, and Libra season is in full swing this week….

pluto retrograde ends
pluto retrograde ends

Pluto Retrograde ends this weekend, and here’s what that means for your everyday life

We’re knocking another summer retrograde off our list this weekend: Pluto goes direct on September 30th….

full corn moon
full corn moon

This is exactly what you’ll experience during the Full Corn Moon, according to your zodiac sign

Grab your tissues and a notebook. Things are about to get intense AF. The Full…

weekly horoscope
weekly horoscope

Your HelloGiggles horoscope, September 23rd to 29th: You’re a tough cookie, bb

September is winding down this week (seriously, where did this month go?). But it’s not…

libra season
libra season

Libra season is beginning, so here’s how to make the most of this quiet, rejuvenating time

There’s crispness in the air, the leaves are turning color, and we’re swapping sandals for…

fall equinox
fall equinox

This is how your zodiac sign should celebrate the Fall Equinox

The Fall Equinox, a.k.a. the first day of autumn, is this Saturday, September 22nd. With…


Facebook allows companies to place job ads for men only, according to an ACLU lawsuit

Remember when Mark Zuckerberg declared 2018 to be the year he was going to “fix”…

weekly horoscope
weekly horoscope

Your HelloGiggles horoscope, September 16th to 22nd: It’s time for diplomacy and stability

As Virgo season wraps up this week, we’re being called to look at the fine…

demi lovato sobriety
demi lovato sobriety

7 times Demi Lovato has bravely spoken about her sobriety

Demi Lovato’s honesty has always been one of the most endearing things about her. Her…

heidi klum drake
heidi klum drake

Heidi Klum said Drake once tried to date her but she ignored his texts, and insert crying Drake meme here

We all know Drake has about as many feelings as he’s had gorgeous girlfriends. From Jennifer…

weekly horoscope
weekly horoscope

Your HelloGiggles horoscope, September 9th to 15th: Time to get organized

If you didn’t get the memo already, it’s official: September is the month of getting…

saturn retrograde ends
saturn retrograde ends

Saturn Retrograde (finally!) ends today, and every zodiac sign will feel it differently

Can you feel it? That sense of freedom, newness, and clarity in the air now…