Could You Still Live With Your Ex After a Break Up?
That’s what Bethenny Frankel, reality show superstar, is doing. Though she and her husband Jason…
10 Ways To Know He’s Not Right For You
I believe it was Oscar Wilde who once said, “When love is right, it’s right;…
Just some empowering quotes from amazing women to kickstart your day
Sometimes, life gets you down. This is normal. It’s okay to feel disappointed or frustrated,…
Why an 11-year-old girl’s campaign for a new American Girl doll matters
Since 1986, American Girl dolls have been there to spark the imaginations of girls around…
Lack-of-progress report: Magazine cover models were mostly white this year
We’ve seen many women of color do some pretty amazing things this year (not to…
It’s Britney Spears’ birthday, so let’s take a moment to fangirl out
Oh baby, baby. Britney Spears turns 33 today, and we wish her the merriest of…
It’s crazy-pants that we still do this “Sexiest Man Alive” thing
Unless you’ve been living on the Moon for the last few decades (in which case, I congratulate…
Very important questions for Spare Parts For Broken Hearts
Hello, and welcome back to “You Oughta Know” where I introduce cool new (or just new…
Why Body Shape Guides Are Bad For Women
If you’ve ever read a woman’s magazine, you’ve probably come across one: the dreaded body…
’80s and ’90s Things The World Desperately Needs to Come Back
In case you’ve been blissfully enjoying your summer in a lake or ashram or some…
Our Interview with the Cool New Band, WASI
Welcome to “You Oughta Know” where I introduce cool new bands to share them with…
Why Britney Spears is the Most Relatable, ‘Just Like Us’ Celeb Ever
My God, I love Britney Spears. This was my thought the other day as I put…
Real Talk: Prom is Fun, But Not the Most Important Night of Your Life
Prom has turned into a business. We see depictions of “the perfect prom night” in…
The 10 Suckiest Things Everyone Forgets About Break-Ups
Let’s be real about it: break-ups suck. There are the major things that suck about…
10 Reasons to Love Your Body NOW!
If one more of my friend tells me they NEED to lose weight NOW I…
Human Barbie Shares Her Views on Life, World is… Surprised
Valeria Lukya, AKA the Human Barbie, AKA Amatue, her self-given name, may be happy with her…
Sexy at the Gym: Does Anyone Really Need the “Plunge” Sports Bra?
Ladies (and gentlemen), the cleavage-enhancing sports bra (the “plunge sports bra”) is here, and I…