
High Five Your Way to Following Your Dreams

A few weeks ago, my dream to publish a book came true with the release…


Registered Voters Do It Better

Remember how frustrating it was when our parents set the rules and we had absolutely no…

Home & Decorating

Have You Seen My… Everything?

Today, I traveled for fifteen hours from Paris to Los Angeles and all that I…


Holding A Grudge Is Like Drinking Poison And Waiting For The Other Person To Die

Let’s talk grudges. First off, the word grudge alone is totally gross. It sounds like…


A Poem In A Bottle: To The Island of Long Lost BFFs

I’m scrolling up this letter And tossing it into the sea Hoping the bottle washes…


Hook, Line and Sink Yourself

Ladies. Sigh. LADIES. I have seen some in-freaking-sane behavior coming from Venus in the direction…