This video shows the Aurora Borealis reflecting off water and it’s breathtaking

Since closed mouths don’t get fed, we’re just going to come right out and ask: Can someone, anyone take us to the Northern Lights? Please?! Seriously, just book the plane ticket and we’ll take it from there. So, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video of the Aurora Borealis reflecting off water and dammit, we’re tired of sitting on the subarctic sidelines watching other people show off their mesmerizing images of the Northern Lights that could’ve been ours — that totally SHOULD’VE been ours!

This time-lapse video by AD Photography that captured the famous lights lingering over Denmark has us feeling a little jealous (actually a lot) about not having had the opportunity to observe this cosmic phenomenon in person, and we’re obviously having a hard time accepting that right now.

Just sit back for a moment and take in this glorious footage from the edge of a solar storm. Don’t you wanna go there RIGHT NOW?!

UGH, IT’S JUST SOOO BEAUTIFUL. *weeps colorful tears*

Apparently, capturing the lights in Denmark is no easy feat, which makes us all the more appreciative of this breathtaking video.

AD Photography describes the shoot in its video description:

"What my film does not show is that I have spent hundreds of hours, shot thousands of pictures and walked long distances in the Odsherred shire to come to this result. Many times I have stayed and waited for hours, static in the cold, for the aurora to show up, and many times I have come home empty-handed. That’s what makes aurora hunting so exciting in Denmark, because you don’t know for sure what you are going to get."

Well, you know what AD Photography? We ~lurve~ what you got. Now if we could just get some footage of our own…