Aubrey Plaza just opened up about her sexuality, and we’re so happy for her

Aubrey Plaza, our favorite poker-faced woman in the WORLD and Grumpy Cat come to life, is one of our absolute favorites. Ever since she played April on Parks and Recreation, we’ve wanted to be her BFF. She goes above and beyond for auditions, is obviously very loved by her present and former costars-turned-friends, and she just seems like an all around fantastic person. She’s also not afraid to be herself and say what’s on her mind — we think that’s totally awesome, and we love her more and more all the time.
In a recent interview with The Advocate, she was not afraid to be totally open about her dating life and her sexuality. She came out as bisexual during the interview, and she actually did it in a totally casual way. When the interviewer asked if women ever come on to her, she responded, “Oh, yeah. I don’t mind. I know I have an androgynous thing going on, and there’s something masculine about my energy. Girls are into me — that’s no secret. Hey, I’m into them too. I fall in love with girls and guys. I can’t help it.”
The rest of the interview is totally worth reading as well — there are some real gems in there, including tidbits about Grumpy Cat, details about her life at home with her family (as well as her childhood), where the idea for her gay boyfriend on Parks and Rec came from, and more.
Audrey Plaza, we love you more all the time, and we support you.