Here’s What to Expect on Election Day, According to an Astrologer

Mercury and Mars will be in retrograde at the same time for part of the day.

For years, astrologers like myself have been studying the planetary aspects of Election Day 2020. And the reason why we’ve been so interested is that it will be the first time ever that Mercury and Mars will both be retrograde (although Mercury leaves its retrograde motion around noon EDT). This means the unexpected can and will happen, like not knowing who will be the leader of our country right away, having issues with voting machines or mail-in ballots, and feeling on edge with anticipation until it’s announced.

Typically, retrogrades are unpredictable times, so prepare yourself by checking below for what will happen in the stars on Election Day, and make sure to go out and vote.   

Moon in Gemini

In astrology, we look to the moon and the other planets it’s connecting with to understand the overall energy of the day. The moon will be in Gemini—which is a sign ruled by Mercury—and will exit its retrograde journey on Election Day by squaring off with the elusive planet Neptune while on the North Node of Destiny.

What does this mean? For starters, the events of the day are fated because the Nodes of Destiny are making us all embrace a new societal norm. Secondly, you may not get the closure you want from the election, because the winner probably won’t be announced the night of, which will make you feel on edge until it’s decided. While this doesn’t mean it will be a good or bad conclusion, it’ll most likely point to an uneventful and anticlimactic end to the day.

Mars retrograde  

Action planet Mars will still be rolling backward on Election Day, which means that you can expect delays in the government announcing a winner, as mentioned above. If a winner is announced, it won’t be until very late in the evening, and there will most certainly be a demand for a recount by political officials. The reason is that Mars, when retrograde, can’t take control or commit to a situation. In fact, it brings lots of setbacks and delays (more so than Mercury retrograde, which offers an element of unpredictability).  

Mercury retrograde ends  

As mentioned before, Mercury will end its planetary moonwalk on November 3rd. This phase is called the retroshade because the weirdest and wackiest things happen during this time. 

Mercury retrograde and retroshade can bring technological breakdowns or mishaps, which can affect your voting. Also, it can delay the mail-in ballots from being received or counted in a timely manner. We can guarantee there will be a recount or a few as a result. 

Mercury stops moving backwards midday, at 25 degrees Libra. Ancient astrologers referred to this as 15 degrees Libra to 9 degrees Scorpio (although some astrologers claim it’s 15 degrees Scorpio) and as “Via Combusta” or “The Burning Way.” This adds a lot of passion and emotion to the way people will be voting. They will be making choices based on their heart, not their logical mind. 

The last time Mercury went direct at this time was during the election of 2000 between Al Gore and George W. Bush. And, if you can remember, that election was a mess, and it’s still known as the tightest and closest election in U.S. history—so we can expect the same to happen this year.

When will the winner be announced?  

Interestingly enough, like the election of 2000, the winner may be announced a few days after the polls close. The date that seems most probable will be November 6th, when Mercury squares off with Saturn (which represents authority and bureaucracy).

This will be the second time in this week that these two planets connect. The first time will be November 1st, where you can most likely anticipate “knowing” who the winner will be based on the polls, even though the election doesn’t technically occur until November 3rd. However, it appears that a winner will most likely be announced on November 6th, when the two planets collide again in the cosmos. This also means that the government may have to step in and declare a winner, just like the election of 2000 when the Supreme Court declared Bush the winner after Gore dropped out. Since there are a ton of mail-in ballots, we can expect a similar situation to occur this year (if history repeats itself).  

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