Ashley Tisdale revealed her most “cringe-worthy” red carpet look, but we’re still into it

When you’ve been on hundreds of red carpets, there are some looks that might not sit well in your memory bank — and that’s okay. In an interview with, Ashley Tisdale revealed her biggest red carpet fail from her Disney Channel days (though in our humble opinions, there is no such thing as a fashion fail! It’s all about how the clothes make you feel!).
"My stylist at the time was my stylist for the TV series, which I learned very quickly you [shouldn’t do], Tisdale told They will just style you how you’re styled on your TV show so I looked like my character [Maddie Fitzpatrick] at all times when I was going out."
Let’s take a look at that throwback outfit, circa 2004.
Okay, we’ll admit there’s a lot going on there.
“I wore this really weird pink camo skirt and this pink furry thing, I don’t even know what it was, but I said, ‘Ooh, put me in it!’ And instead of wearing it like you would normally wear it, I was like, ‘I am going to do it have one of my arms out and have it going across my body.’ It was the weirdest thing. At that point, you just have to laugh at yourself,” she said.
However, Tisdale maintained a sense of humor about it all, because at the end of the day, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with some fashion experimentation. Even when it involves pink furry accessories!
via giphyAnd okay, we get that all of these things together might be a little much. But we’re kind of obsessed with all of the items in this look as separate entities. Like get us a pair of those boots NOW. And we would 100% wear that pink camo skirt paired with a black camisole. YOU HEARD US!
Feel free to post throwback pics anytime, Ashley! In the meantime, we’re loving the current you.
Keep doing your thing, girl!