This artist imagines what an older Moana would look like and now we want a sequel

Let’s face it, we all go nuts for a movie sequel if we loved the original. We need to know what happens to our favorite characters after our initial two hours with them! Artist Daniel Kordek is taking things into his own hands and imagining what a grown up Moana would look like (or at least, a non-13-year-old) in his classic, signature style. There’s always a market for “extra story line,” hence an insane rise in sequels and prequels these days (oh, hi Rogue One — how are you enjoying the $155 million you made opening weekend?) so why wait for Disney to give us an older Moana when someone like Kordek can mock one up for us?

Check out this breathtaking version of Moana with a little more ‘tude and some inspired ink of her own:

There she is! Ravishing and badass, just as we remember her to be. In Moana, the heiress and daughter of a chief of a Polynesian island goes on a journey to return a piece of history to its rightful owner. As Moana discovers what is myth and what is fact within the stories she’d grown up hearing, the heroine uses her ties with the ocean and with egotistical, shapeshifting demi-god Maui (yes, voiced by The Rock, and yes — phenomenal in it) to unveil answers to herself to the people of her island. It’s a non-stop adventure story that should, by all means, get a sequel at some point. And if it’s a Toy-Story-trilogy-type-deal, in which Andy goes to college ten years after his 8th birthday party because he aged with us in real time (*sniff* so not still crying over Toy Story 3, we promise), we’d love to see Daniel’s Moana take center stage as she goes on a more sophisticated adventure in the future.


Look, even mini-Maui is on-board for a super sequel!

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