The new season of “Arrested Development” wants to be like “Making A Murderer” – Wait, what?

Here’s the story about a much-loved cult TV show that was canceled, brought back to life, and once again remains in television limbo. Sounds like a clear cut situation with a promise of comedy, huh?

Way before Netflix was reviving Gilmore Girls, they revived Arrested Development. Fox canceled the three-season comedy show back in 2006, and it would take 7 long and grueling years for new episodes to make their way to the streaming site. Never forget that, technically speaking, the fourth season of Arrested Development was actually the first ever Netflix Original.

Whether you loved the fourth season, or had some issues with it, doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that we want our Bluths back, Netflix wants their Bluths back, the Bluths want to come back, and showrunner Mitch Hurwitz wants the Bluths back, too. So, what’s the hold up?


Technically, it’s the Bluths themselves. In an new interview with Esquire, Hurwitz explains that while they’re all game to do the new season, “We’ll get half of the actors available and [the studio] won’t quite commit to making the deal, then we’ll lose the other half of the actors.” With everyone unavailable at the same time, it’s kinda hard to make a show about a dysfunctional family.

At the end of the day, though, Hurwitz is still 100% committed to making the new season happen. Eventually. Sometime. Hopefully in this lifetime.


I’m always trying to move forward with that project regardless of what else is going on in my life,” He continues. “I spent some time in the writers room developing an outline for the next season or seasons if we’re able to make a deal. I’m trying very hard to get it done because we have a great story to tell. The clock is ticking. We were putting up a wall before Drumpf was.”

Hurwitz also explains that Season 5 will involve a murder mystery (RIP Lucille 2), looking to shows like Making A Murderer and the O.J. Simpson mini-series inspiration.

“It’ll happen. It’ll definitely happen. Not before the election, but it’s definitely going to happen. I say that because the actors want to do it, the studio wants to do it, Netflix wants to do it, I want to do it. It’s just making it happen. There’s no one resisting.”

Hopefully, this is simply the beginning of the final countdown to Season 5.

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