Justin Theroux regrets wearing this iconic outfit (but we don’t!)

Yikes! Justin Theroux, star of Girl on the Train and HBO’s The Leftovers,has finally ended his three-year-long silence pertaining to a Leftovers scene in which Theroux’s character, Kevin Garvey, is out for a jog and sporting a gray-on-gray sweatsuit, sin underwear.

You may have seen pictures and GIFs of the iconic outfit running around the internet.


Without getting too graphic, the scene clearly made the public hyper-aware of Theroux’s, well, penis. Stills from the Season 1 episode have been floating around the internet ever since its air date. But, Theroux remained quiet on the topic, mostly because, as he admitted to Conan O’Brien in 2014, he “didn’t even know it was a thing.” He relayed to Conan, it wasn’t until he was told to wear ~two~ pairs of underwear for a later Leftovers jogging scene that Theroux knew something was up. But, let’s just say, Theroux didn’t get into the nitty-gritty at this time.

But finally he broke his silence to ELLE Magazine in their October 2016 issue saying the photo, “has an appearance of a compliment, but it’s more mortifying than anything else.”

Justin Theroux
Justin Theroux

When the ELLE reporter asked Theroux if the hubbub gave him some understanding of what it’s like to be a woman in Hollywood he answered, “It kind of did. I don’t want to say objectifiedbut it was embarrassing. It’s like having someone yank your shorts down in public. It doesn’t feel great. Anyone who has an unflattering picture taken of them would probably say, ‘Join the club.’”

It’s ok, Justin. Fashion faux pas happen to the best of us. We definitely won’t hold it against you.


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