Apparently ‘Dirty Dancing’ almost didn’t happen, and we’re anxious just considering that
It seems absurd to ever think that people hated Dirty Dancing, but apparently, Dirty Dancing almost didn’t happen. While we love Dirty Dancing now, it was hated when it was first created 30 years ago. Like, WHAT?! We find this so, so hard to believe, considering how obsessed we are with this iconic film, from Jennifer Grey’s dancing lift to basically every inspirational quote from the movie.
It’s hard for us to imagine a world without Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey’s dreamy, ~steamy~ romance, so we don’t even want to try, but our friends at Bustle spoke with movie’s writer and creator Eleanor Bergstein, who shared the story of how the movie almost wasn’t even made. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!?
Bergstein explained,
"We couldn't get anybody to make it. It took me a long time before anybody agreed to make it. And then they made it planning to shove it right into video, so it was made by a video company."
Just, wow. The fact that Dirty Dancing almost didn’t happen is blowing our minds right now. She continued, telling Bustle,
"We had no encouragement. Everyone told us it was terrible while we were making it. And even when it first came out, everyone told us it was terrible. But we eventually got these wonderful, wonderful audiences that we've had now for 30 years. All ages, men, women, kids. I've met kids who's parents hadn't even met or had sex before we made this film. It's really all generations. I'm very beholden to my audiences because they're wonderful."
TG for Bergstein and everyone else involved for making sure this movie was a part of our lives, because it really has made such a difference in how we think about everything from love to taking chances. We’re just so happy things ended up working out so, so well for this film!