People in this apartment building have accidentally become a museum exhibit

If you live in a big city, you know it’s hard to find much privacy. But these London residents recently discovered their apartments were accidentally on exhibit.

Residents that live in the expensive Neo Banks apartment in London happen to be next to the Tate Modern art gallery. What they didn’t realize is museum goers have a direct line of sight into their homes. Several people have made jokes about the issue on Twitter, but the apartment owners are not pleased. Some are so dissatisfied that they’re actually suing the Tate Modern for invasion of privacy. false false

Residents are claiming that patrons of the museum are using binoculars to spy on them and zooming in cameras to take invasive photos.

For anyone who thinks of their apartment as a pants-off space, this is understandably a problem.

In the official claim, the Standard reports that the residents believe they’ve been made “a public exhibit for the benefit of those using the viewing platform.” They are requesting that the museum erect a screen and pay their legal costs.

The Tate recently opened its tenth-floor viewing platform as part of a multi-million dollar renovation and expansion, which is part of the outcry. The Tate and the Neo Banks are located in London’s Southbank, a particularly trendy and expensive neighborhood.

Five people are officially part of the suit, who also wrote in the claim that the experience is like “living in a goldfish bowl.”

We hope the residents and the museum are working this mishap out now (or at least selling the apartments sold to some exhibitionists who enjoy the exposure.) While no one should have their privacy invaded, Twitter users have been quick to point out a faster, non-court solution to the issue is available: putting up curtains.

Note to self to finally buy blinds.