Ansel Elgort stans will love this compilation of every time someone says “baby” in “Baby Driver”

By now, you’ve probably seen Baby Driver, Edgar Wright’s heist movie starring Ansel Elgort as a getaway driver named Baby. And after the movie was over, you probably thought to yourself, Wow, they sure said the word “baby” a lot. Well, in case you want to relive that, you’re in luck. Someone created a compilation of every time the word “baby” is said in Baby Driver.
Wright shared the YouTube video on Twitter. Before you watch it, you should know that the video contains huge spoilers. So if you haven’t seen Baby Driver yet, proceed with caution. Just try to guess how many times the word “baby” is said. You can even watch the movie again first to refresh your memory. Just don’t count — that’s cheating!
Wright has made many of our favorite movies, like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. And of course, Baby Driver is up there in our favorites too. And aside from Elgort, we also love the other stars in the film, including Lily James, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx, and EizaGonzález, among others.
Wright explained his inspiration behind the Atlanta-shot film during a Q&A at SXSW back in March. “I was just listening through my record collection and I’d envision scenes,” Wright said, according to Deadline Hollywood. “I wouldn’t write scenes until I found the right track.” Assuming you’ve seen the film, you know that music’s a BIG part of it — a perfect set piece to the dialogue and scenes.
Now, without further ado, here’s the ultimate “baby” compilation.
This makes us want to watch Baby Driver again, baby.