Today is the 10 year anniversary of Taylor Swift’s first single, “Tim McGraw”

A decade ago, a young blonde country star debuted a sweet song about (what else) long lost love. Who knew that she’d soon become one of the biggest, most successful pop sensations the world had ever seen? Well, maybe she did since she seems to have had it figured out since she triumphantly stepped on the scene with her lovingly sweet single, “Tim McGraw.”
Remember this girl?
It’s worth taking a step back and seeing just how much Taylor has transformed since she confidently broke into onto the music scene. She’s grown grown up right before our eyes as both a performer and a person yet somehow managed to maintain that totally grounded charm and charisma that set her on the path to superstardom in the first place. Watching the “Tim McGraw” music video back to back with her latest video, “New Romantics” you can really see how incredibly she’s changed. And you can also see how she’s totally still the Taylor we met and loved ten years ago today.
When you start actually thinking about Taylor’s accomplishments, you realize just what a force of nature she actually is (not to mention how many hit songs she’s whipped out in no time). She’s managed to in a very short period of time completely transform her look, experiment with different styles in both her music and her videos, and pretty much rewrite the book on what it is to be a modern-day musician.
She’s done all of it by age 26 and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
So go ahead and blast this “Tim McGraw” jam and revel in its pure country beauty all day in honor of the beginning of a new musical era for all of us. Because when we hear Tim McGraw, Taylor, we still totally think of you.