Anne Hathaway responds to her Hatha-haters with a refreshing outlook
This may catch you off-guard, but there are a lot of people who hate Anne Hathaway. In fact, the haters even have a club name — the Hatha-haters. Their hatred is confusing and unreasonable, but it’s a thing that has been going on since 2012 after a series of unfortunate events that resulted in people not appreciating what she had to say in interviews. She also rubbed people the wrong way during her infamous 2013 Oscar speech, which really sealed the Hatha-hating deal.
But here’s the thing — although she gets that certain parts of society dislike her, Hathaway is tired of hearing about it. And we don’t blame her.
The actress chatted with Jezebel during a press junket for her new movie Colossal. She said that in almost every interview she does, the absurd phenomenon surrounding complete strangers’ hatred toward her is brought up.
"I think it's weird that it continues to be talked about a little bit," Hathaway told Jezebel. "I understand in the context of this movie, why it should be brought up. But it comes up in every interview I do, just about. I am ... not eager, but I am ready for the conversation to move to a place beyond it."
She admitted that she used to let it get to her, but now she doesn’t let it affect her in the same way.
"I would just be reading about something totally unrelated to me and [see] a headline about me and how much your site dislikes me or whoever was writing it dislikes me would come up," she added. "That would catch me off-guard. Now, it's not that I've gotten a rhino skin to it, but I sort of see all of that for what it is."
Hathaway explained that the weird hatred people have for her is totally out of her control.
But she was at least able to learn how to grow from it.
"How the world feels about me has nothing to do with me," she said. "How other people treat me has nothing to do with me. But if anything that anybody said resonated with me as something I'd like to work on for myself, I took it in like that. And to that extent, I feel like I got to shortcut a lot of my growth. To that extent, even though I wouldn't have chosen to go through it, I still found a way to be grateful to it."
To all the Hatha-haters, it’s probably time to let it go. You’ve made your point.