Oh happy day: Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson are both signed on for ‘PP3’

Remember when Pitch Perfect came out, and it was the best movie ever made? And then remember when Pitch Perfect 2 came out, and that then became the best movie ever made? Well, get ready for it to happen again, bringing us a beautiful Pitch Perfect trifecta. Pitch Perfect 3 is a go, and our two favorite Barden Bellas are returning: Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson have signed on for the movie.


We’ve known about Pitch Perfect 3 for a while, ever since Wilson accidentally brought it up during promotion for PP2. (Hey, we’re not complaining about the little slip, Wilson, don’t worry. It was actually amazing, tbh). While it was confirmed that she’d return to her role as Fat Amy, there was no word about Kendrick’s Becca. There was no word, until yesterday, when Kendrick uploaded a picture to Instagram captioned, “Happening #3”

It still gets better. Pitch Perfect 3 has a release date! So what if it’s two years from now? It’s HAPPENING, YOU GUYS. Our dreams just came aca-true.

In PP2 we saw the Bellas graduate (and sorry if that’s a spoiler, but like, you should have seen PP2 at least twice by now). Clearly the story will follow them after college, but it doesn’t mean they can’t return back to Barden University to check on Hailee Steinfeld’s Emily and the rest of their acapella legacy.

Honestly, Becca and Fat Amy could just sit around and make funny faces at each other, and every now and then break into song. We’d still pay to see that movie. PP1 and 2‘s screenwriter, Kay Cannon, is in talks to return to write the third, and *crosses fingers* hopefully Elizabeth Banks will come back to direct.

On a musical scale from bass (low) to treble (high), how exited are you? The answer is so high, we’re shattering glass. Pitch Perfect is shaping up to the best best — and so far, only — aca-trilogy ever.

Images via here, here, and here.

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