Anna Kendrick and Kellan Lutz flirt via Twitter, our hearts literally stop

In this day and age, it’s perfectly normal to meet your significant other on social media. Who knows what kind of love can blossom from someone sliding into your DMs. There are probably Gen-Z kids out there meeting their soul mates on Snapchat.

So when Anna Kendrick put out this plea on Twitter last night looking for a strapping muscular man to come over, we were like, WHAT A GREAT IDEA! I mean, it’s Anna Kendrick, the world (of men) is literally her oyster, this tweet will have every swole bro residing in the Hollywood zip-code blowing up her inbox.

And then THIS happened.

KELLAN. BAE. LUTZ. The most strapping of MOST STRAPPING men. Google “muscular man” and it’s just a photo of Kellan’s biceps.

But before we lose it over this potential pairing, these two are presumably friends…after all, they DID both appear in the Twilight series together.


Whether this is a joke amongst friends or an actual romantic proposition remains to be seen. Either way, we’d ship it.

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