The one thing Anna Faris is pretty terrible at (but we love her anyway)

We all have that one thing we’re really not good at. Maybe you can’t draw or maybe you have trouble following directions. You may even have the ability to burn each and every meal you attempt to cook. As for the wonderful Anna Faris, she’s no different – especially when it comes to babysitting.

“I don’t know what I’m doing as a parent at all,” states Faris during her interview with Jimmy Kimmel. This proclamation came immediately after the host showed a picture of her adorable son Jack, who was attempting to clean up a masterpiece he’d drawn on a clean, white wall.

But it seems that wasn’t the only time Jack felt the need to express his creativity. The next photo displays a piece that’s even more abstract than the first, but this time it’s located on a pair of bathroom cabinets. While this meaningful work of art is clearly depicting the effects of industrialism on the American frontier, it’s the young artist’s most recent installation that’s downright thought-provoking. Using his diaper wipes, Jack (just Jack, like Picasso) carefully placed this symbolic material upon his favorite canvas (the wall, of course). What results is a piece that perfectly conveys the artist’s inner emotions as he attempts to capture the essence of his childhood. *slow clap*

Faris goes on to state that, as the youngest child in her family, she never had experience with children until she began to babysit. “When I was growing up it was okay for a babysitter to be 12,” she said. “So, I was a 12-year-old babysitter. I was so bad.” Her example: the time she didn’t believe a little boy when he said he was allergic to peanuts.

Around this babysitting period in her life, Faris’ mom believed that having a peanut allergy was impossible. This caused young Anna Faris to believe the same thing, which is why… “I had a little Snickers bar in my purse so I said, ‘You’re not allergic to peanuts. Come on, eat this,’” she recalled. “And he was looking at me like he wanted to so badly.” Luckily, the little boy ignored Faris’ pleas and didn’t eat the candy bar.

“Can you imagine the trajectory of my life?” Faris added. “You’d be in prison right now,” Kimmel answered.

“And this is why 12 year olds shouldn’t babysit,” the actress concludes, making us look back on our lives to figure out when we started babysitting.

Okay, so Faris’ story almost didn’t have a happy ending, but the important part is that she learned from this experience and is now trying to be the best parent she can be.

Even more importantly, we hope that young Jack continues to express his artistic talent. (Also – does anyone know if he’s taking commissions?)

[Images via Twitter]

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