Animals who have the whole career thing figured out

Let’s face it, some animals have got the whole career thing figured out better than most 20-somethings do.  Sure, they could just lounge around all day napping or eating or napping while eating, but they are capable of so much more.  They want to achieve!  They want to climb that ladder to success!  So, here’s to all the hard working animals on there who spend their days crunching numbers and filing paperwork.  This one’s for you, ya business dog, you!

This Masseuse Cat

“I’m sensing a lot of tension in your lower tail.”

This Bulldog Boss

“I’m gonna need the Kibble Account paperwork stat.”

This Doctor Monkey

“You should be back on the dance floor faster than you can say banana.”

This Guinea Pig Mariachi Band Member

“Maracas are my passion and maracas pay my bills.”

This Dolphin Captain

“My life, my love and my lady is the sea.”

This Grill Master Kitty

“I’ve been flipping bur-guhs since you wuz in diapers.”

This Bunny Firefighter

“A fire on Cute Street?!  I’m on my way!”

This Dentist Parrot

“Yep.  Looks like you’ve got a cavity in your beak.”

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