Amy Schumer’s response to the people who walked out of her Tampa show is so badass

Sure, walk out on Amy Schumer. Walk out on her all you want. Because the results are HILARIOUS. After a reported 200 people walked out on Schumer’s show in Tampa on October 17 following a bit about Donald Trump, she responded with an open letter at her next gig in NYC.

At the Tampa show, she brought some Trump supporters onstage and asked them why they were voting for an “orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster.” And then the walkouts began.

The following night, October 18, at Madison Square Garden in New York City, Schumer was introduced by Madonna (!!!)

who performed her own brief standup bit (!!!)


And then, midway through her own act, Schumer read an open letter to the city of Tampa.

“Dearest Tampa,” she read, “I’m sorry you didn’t want me, a comedian who talks about what she believes in, to mention the biggest thing going on in our country right now.”

“After the show, I want you to know that I will go straight to a rehab facility that will teach me how to make all people happy. Both the rich, entitled white people who are gonna vote for him and the very poor people who’ve been tricked into it.”


“And Tampa, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said that he is an orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster,” she continues, adding that she’ll never say it again. And then she says it again.

“And I look forward to putting this all behind us. In a couple of weeks. When Hillary Clinton is our mother [bleep]ing president.” #Yass

We’re with HER!

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