Amy Schumer thanks magazine for not Photoshopping her (“proud size 6 yo!”)
Amy Schumer, the genius comedian behind Comedy Central’s Inside Amy Schumer, is on the cover of Entertainment Weekly this week, and we’re pretty psyched about it for a couple reasons. First and foremost, of course, Amy Schumer is amazing and totally deserves the cover! But we’re also thrilled to learn that the mag didn’t get crazy with the Photoshop.
On the cover, Schumer is nude . . . okay, not like full-frontal for real but you get the idea. The photo is reminiscent of the iconic rose petal scene from American Beauty — but done with those mini-sized airplane-ready alcohol bottles — and it’s totally great and perfect for Amy. The image became even more b.a. when Schumer shared an un-retouched version of the photo via Twitter. It was taken down pretty quickly, but it was up long enough for people to notice that it was more or less identical to the version on the cover! Aside from a little bit of touching up here and there, Entertainment Weekly left Schumer looking 100% like herself.
Schumer took to Twitter again to thank the mag for letting her be herself.
Here’s what the cover looks like in full.
Schumer has had to deal with her share of body-shaming, but she’s not letting it slow her down or get under her skin. Instead, she’s taking no prisoners and making no apologies. She also tweeted out the below power-image back in February.
Amy, could you be any cooler? And props to Entertainment Weekly for bucking the over-Photoshopping trend! We’re so glad you let Amy look like Amy! May this non-over-Photoshopping trend continue.
(Image via)