Amy Schumer just let us know that being famous actually isn’t that fun

With an Emmy win under her belt and a friendship with Jennifer Lawrence to treasure forever, you might think Amy Schumer doesn’t have a thing to complain about. Life in the public eye, however, can be cruel and even dangerous, and Amy recently let us know that being famous is not all it’s cracked up to be. According to Vulture, during a comedy set hosted by the Sierra Club for Act in Paris, Amy spoke about the downsides of fame.

“I’m, like, newly famous, and it turns out it’s not fun. Did you guys know that?” The comedian queried the crowd at an event related to the U.N. Climate Summit in Paris. “I’m just now learning that my dreams have been a sham, and that it’s actually not great and it just only comes with pain.”

As with most of Schumer’s jokes, the set was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but that’s not to say she hasn’t encountered adversity during her meteoric rise to fame. Speaking to Glamour in July of 2015, the actress revealed that she, like so many prominent women in every industry, has received death threats:

Glamour: Is it scary to be a woman who’s using her voice the way you do?
AS: I have gotten death threats—that was scary. But it just made me want to use my voice more.

Amy sadly found herself at the center of tragedy this year when a terrorist attacked a screening of her first film, Trainwreck, killing two young women and injuring ten more theater-goers.

So while some may be quick to judge an extremely successful woman who seems to be riding high on the horse called Fame, Amy is aware of the pitfalls of her position, and also addressed the fickleness of fame in Hollywood. Crushable quoted the actress as saying, “We all know it’s going to last another three months because that’s how it works. I’m already burning bridges like it’s already f—ing over.”

Amy quickly turned to lighter subjects, like the awesomeness of Kathleen Turner and how she wants Cuba Gooding, Jr.( in attendance at the event) to get, um, very INTIMATE with her face. We’re glad she got back to her outspoken, outrageous brand, but the heart of her fame-crisis is real: Hang in there, Amy. And never forget this:

Related reading:
Amy Schumer and Selena Gomez show us how to embrace accidental red carpet #twinning

All the ways Amy Schumer was so on point in her HBO special

(Images via Instagram and HBO)

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