Amy Poehler has a new series just for women and we’re obsessed
Let’s be real: is there anything unloveable about Amy Poehler? (The answer: NO.) Not only is she a talented and hilarious actress (and her relationship with Tina Fey is #friendshipgoals), but she uses her well-earned influence for good as often as humanly possible. Take, for example, Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls, her organization that inspires girls to be themselves (and thus, change the world). And now, Smart Girls has teamed up with comedians Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher to create a brand new series called She Said, and we’re pretty much obsessed, TBH.
She Said will be a web series where women talk about, well, being women. Or, as hosts Cameron and Rhea call it, “a space where women talk about stuff.” (They’re IRL engaged, by the way, and it’s super adorable.) The show tackles everything from light-hearted period stories to sensitive and personal topics, serving as a space where young girls and women can get the information they need.
“The Internet is sorely lacking in resources for young women, especially resources that connect young women with the infinite genius and wisdom of cool, cool adult women,” Cameron told BuzzFeed. That’s all about to change. Check out a promo for the show just released on Instagram:
Though we have to wait a couple days until the series’ premiere on Monday, November 16th, you can watch the minute-long sneak peek here. And that minute is jam-packed: Cameron and Rhea talk about pap smears, the location of the cervix, and getting periods for the first time.
We couldn’t be more excited. This series is so needed, and what better way to give girls the resources they need via hilarious comedians and, of course, Amy Poehler? And check in with Smart Girls on Monday to watch the very first episode of She Said.
(Image via NBC Universal.)