Amy Poehler has something preeeettty controversial to confess

One of the many reasons we adore Amy Poehler is that she’s not afraid to speak her mind and be herself. But last night on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Amy caught us all off guard by sharing something shocking. While the rest of the world has been waiting with baited breath for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Amy Poehler has been very whatever about it. Why? Because she just doesn’t care!

In the clip below, Amy, along with the rest of the cast of Sisters, were asked to make the case for why moviegoers should opt for their film over Star Wars this weekend. To do so, they used Star Wars figurines, naturally. But Amy, who was working with a miniature Constable Zuvio, just wasn’t feeling the love.

See what she had to say about the whole franchise frenzy. Yeah, it got real.

(Image via NBC)

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