The internet wants justice for Amy Adams after her Oscar snub — and we totally agree

Though we’re so, so happy to see movies we loved like Moonlight and Hidden Figures receive nominations, there’s one Academy Awards snub we’re pretty miffed about: Amy Adams, who should have gotten a nom for her role as linguist-slash-alien translator Louise Banks in Arrival.

Adams, who did receive a Golden Globe nomination for the role and has been nominated for a whopping five Academy Awards with no win — for Junebug, Doubt, The Fighter, The Master, and American Hustle — has an insanely dedicated fandom on her side (seriously, they’re like Gaga’s Monsters or the Beyhive when it comes to their love, and we’re here for it), and said fandom has joined critics in decrying Adams’ major snub.

Many are already declaring Adams the new Leonardo DiCaprio.

Others are pointing out that she was the heart and soul of Arrival — so if it got nominated for Best Picture, why did she get snubbed?


Her fandom is PISSED.

At least she’s in Annette Benning and Taraji P. Henson’s flawless company?

“No Amy Adams” was seriously trending nationally within seconds.


She seems to be the official snub of the year, and we’re totally bummed to see our girl left off the list. Arrival was a meditative, thought-provoking sci-fi flick led by — gasp — a strong and intelligent female lead who, as said above, totally carried the movie.

So while we’re totally happy for the rest of the nominees (pulling for Ruth Negga, though Natalie Portman was also great, tbh), we’re also awaiting Adams’ inevitable Oscar win down the line — and hoping she doesn’t have to get mauled by a freaking bear to get it.