The “American Horror Story” Season 6 logo has been revealed and it’s super cryptic

It’s kind of crazy that American Horror Story is about to be in Season 6, but time flies when you’re having fun we suppose! In case you can’t tell, we are quite obsessed with the show (in a healthy way of course). There’s been a lot of mystery surrounding the new season, which is definitely appropriate given the nature of the show. But at least we can be comforted by the fact that FX released a logo on social media that is meant to represent what’s to come.

Okay, yeah it’s pretty vague and not all that comforting. It’s a number six question mark hybrid. That’s all. Come on Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuck! Give us something more! A theme, perhaps? A location? An itty-bitty plot point? A photo of a prop you plan to use? Nope, nothing. There’s barely even any casting news, except for that we know Cheyenne Jackson is coming back, courtesy of this tweet. false

So, at least there’s that. But what about Sarah Paulson? Argh! We don’t know enough information and panic mode is setting in.

But let’s just remain calm and focus on the positives. In the meantime, while we’re waiting, we can look for hidden clues in the weird question mark number six logo thing. That sounds impossible – okay, we can go on an American Horror Story binge and watch all the past seasons! That would be time well spent, obviously. BRB.