5 major things left unresolved after the finale of “American Horror Story: Roanoke”

The sixth season of everybody’s favorite horror anthology series came to an end almost a week ago and, TBH, we’re still reeling. Not only was this one of the bloodiest – and deadliest – seasons ever, there were so many things still left unresolved after the finale of American Horror Story: Roanoke.

Roanoke was either the best or worst season of American Horror Story – we’re still not entirely sure which. In any event, the finale was definitely shocking. Former sole Roanoke survivor Lee ended up sacrificing herself after her daughter Flora demanded to stay behind in the extremely haunted Roanoke house to hang with her creepy dead friend Priscilla for eternity. Props to Flora for wanting to stand up to the Butcher, but also SMDH Flora.

On top of our vague annoyance at Flora in the finale, there were more than a few plot holes or otherwise unexplained tidbits that left us scratching our heads. Here are a few of the most head-scratchy.

Why did Evan Peters dye his hair red?

Fans were beside themselves at the shockingly small amount of screentime the de facto AHS poster boy got this season. In fact, they’re already organizing to make sure we get more Evan Peters on AHS’ next season.

To be fair, what little we did get of Peters was well worth the wait.

Exhibit A:


Exhibit B:


Aside from the aggravation of Peters’ two Roanoke characters getting killed off pretty much instantly after being introduced, there was one other major head-scratcher: What was the point of Rory having red hair?

Before we had any idea what the season would be about, Peters explained to confused and impatient AHS viewers that, yes, he did dye his hair red for this season of AHSExcept… now the season is over, and it doesn’t seem like there was any reason at all that Rory’s hair needed to be red?! Literally no reason at all.

What were the Roanoke “ghost rules”?


We’ve dealt with ghosts before. American Horror Story has had ghost rules laid out before. In Murder House, things were very clear – you’re killed on the property, you become a ghost there, bound to the house for eternity. The Roanoke ghosts apparently had no set mythology, and boy, was that aggravating.

Why did none of the “Return to Roanoke” victims show up again as ghosts? All of the Butcher’s previous victims – the Chens, Edward Mott, the Murder Nurses – made an appearance, trapped on the grounds and under the Butcher’s thumb forever. Yet, we don’t see Shelby, Matt, fake Shelby, fake Matt, or any of the various other people who died during the second half of the season.

Poor dead Mason made a brief appearance, skulking around the house during the first “Return to Roanoke” episode. Plus Lee gets turned into a ghost instantly after she allows Priscilla to kill her in the finale. We get Mason and Lee but not ghost Agnes, or Rory, or even Audrey? What gives?!

What did Scathach want?


She was supposedly “the bitch with the real power,” but we literally only saw Scathach creepin’ around with scalps and boning Matt. Why did she want Matt so badly? There were plenty of theories about Scathach needing Matt in order to conceive some kind of demon baby, but none of those were borne out (pun so very intended) at all.

Scathach completely disappeared from the narrative after Shelby chased her off like a possum rifling through garbage and bashed Matt’s head in. Talk about anticlimactic.

What happened to Lee’s daughter Emily?


This seemed like it was going to have at least some bearing on the plot. I mean, Emily vanished (and presumably died) in such a distressing, specific way – plus, she made an “appearance” (of sorts), talking to Lee through Cricket. But after being introduced in the first half of the season, Emily is never mentioned again. Mysterious. And also bothersome.

Why no opening credits sequence?


Without fail, the various opening credits each year are the scariest part of their respective seasons. Week after week of Season 6 we waited, and waited, and waited some more, hoping that perhaps this week was the week we’d finally get one of those brilliantly atmospheric and disturbing intro sequences.

But, alas – nada. We were intro-free for the entirety of the season, and weirdly enough, that was one of the most disappointing aspects of Roanoke.