“American Horror Story” has released two new characters for Season 7, and say hello to this year’s Halloween costume

Because doing one season with a scary clown isn’t enough, American Horror Story is looking to outdo itself when it comes to Season 7. Twisty the Clown is like, so three seasons ago. Now we’ve got a cult full of clowns, and from the first look at them, they sure seem to be giving Twisty a run for his money. And will probably leave us sleeping with the lights on for at least a few weeks.

From now until the Season 7 premiere on September 5th, the AHS website — AHS7.com — will be dropping hints and clues here and there about what we can expect from Cult. Earlier, they revealed a clown who might be Evan Peters, and along with that, a new terrifying look at two other characters.

Say hello to Scary Clown Cult Member #1, and Scary Clown Cult Member #2!


Clown #1, let’s call her Ballerina Lady Clown, has been teased before. Mr. Ryan Murphy uploaded an image to his Instagram featuring this clown’s head/mask, with the caption: I’m Gagging. Right now, we’re just confused/scared.

This is the first time we’re seeing Clown #2, Shirtless Suspenders Clown. The shirt he’s wearing is a lot like the clown shirt we saw earlier today (worn by the clown who may or may not be Evan Peters).

Keep in mind, these aren’t the ~official~ characters, just sketches of what they’re supposed to look like on AHS. In the end, they’ll probably look something like this — but knowing AHS, they’ll be something like 15x scarier.