The newest “American Horror Story” trailer is perfectly themed for back-to-school

If you ever found yourself complaining about your classrooms and lessons, then you clearly haven’t attended any in the American Horror Story realm. How’d you like to have to sit outside, at a desk, in the middle-of-a-cornfield, in the middle-of-nowhere, and also there’s a high chance you’re an alien?
Suddenly, all those math lessons inside don’t seem so bad, huh?
Teach us. #AHS6
— AmericanHorrorStory (@AHSFX) August 25, 2016
The newest trailer for Season 6 (that may or may not even BE ABOUT SEASON 6) is straight up Children of the Corn. We’ve got a group of kids — six, because six for Season 6 GET IT — sitting around in the middle-of-the-cornfield, and these kids are clearly ready for recess. Or…an alien abduction?
While this trailer might seem like ~just another AHS trailer~ it might actually relate back to Season 6. Really. Supposedly, Season 6 has something to do with “children,” and a majority of the other trailers we’ve already seen all take place in-the-middle-of-nowhere.
Also, aliens. There are a LOT OF alien vibes for this season, from the creepy people walking through the cornfield/mist, to that one trailer where a girl is 100% abducted (and also broken in half, it’s very creepy), and the one with the actual SIGNS.
So is this new trailer real, or not real? Is it actually about Season 6, or just something else to throw us off? We’re still going to have to wait to find out, with the new season premiering on September 14th. It’s a Wednesday, and that’s a school night.