America Ferrera is the prettiest, happiest dancing lady emoji there EVER was

America Ferrera is going to be on Lip Sync Battle tonight, which means you’re going to have to choose between the third and final presidential debate and watching Ugly Betty herself tear up the floor to Missy Elliott’s “Gossip Folks.” (The choice is yours!)

Either way, Ferrera is super excited about her performance and wants everyone to tune in, because duh. How do we know her actual level of excitement? Because she posted two Instagram photos to prove it.

"Tonight on #lipsyncbattle 🎤💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻," she wrote.

See? Is she not the happiest dancing red dress emoji lady ever?

More proof:

"Sorry, not sorry. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻," she captioned the next photo, adding her emoji twin and a Beyoncé shout out to the pic.

Ferrera will face off against her Sister of the Traveling Pants co-star Amber Tamblyn, which is obviously going to be AMAZING. Tamblyn will perform Color Me Badd’s “I Wanna Sex You Up.” We don’t want to spoil too much, but previews show that Tamblyn makes a very poignant case against Donald Trump by dressing up as the Republican presidential nominee.

During her speech at the Democratic National Convention, Ferrera also fired back against Trump, in response to his offensive comments about Hispanic people. Specifically, he was fired by NBC from The Celebrity Apprentice in January 2015 after suggesting that Mexican immigrants are rapists.

“I’m America Ferrera, and according to Donald Trump, I’m probably a rapist, she said. “Look, Donald’s not making America great again. He’s making America hate again.

So naturally, as Ferrera’s friend, Tamblyn showed her support by making “America” great again. America being America Ferrera, of course.

Watch Lip Sync Battle tonight at 9 p.m. on Spike (or, you know, DVR it… we’ll all probably need some lighthearted entertainment after watching the debate).

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