Amber Rose is speaking out about sexual assault in Hollywood and it’s so important

Amber Rose says she “can’t even count” how many times a “famous guy” has touched her inappropriately, and we want the whole world to LISTEN.

The 33-year-old model, mom, feminist, movement leader, and beauty ambassador has built her celeb status around her sex appeal, and she’s speaking out about why that does not give men a free pass.

See, what a lot of people don’t understand is that women are autonomous beings. We get to be in control of our appearance, our image, our career, and — gasp — our bodies. And embracing our sexuality does not equate to automatic permission-giving for grabby guys.

That’s part of the idea behind Rose’s annual Slutwalk — an event that champions women’s equality and reclaims the word “slut.”

"People not understanding that women are sexual beings as well is the reason why I refer to myself as a slut," Rose told Yahoo Style. "It really just takes away the pain, takes away the bullying that we deal with as women."

Of course, such a conversation naturally lead to a discussion of the recently released tape of Donald Trump making lewd comments about women before a 2005 interview with Billy Bush — and Rose’s own experience with sexual assault.

"I want him to get in trouble for it because I cannot even count how many times a famous guy touched me inappropriately. Seriously," she said.

Rose then talked about why women are often reluctant to report sexual assault.

"Imagine this: Donald Trump comes and touches me inappropriately, right? I'm a regular a** girl. Do I call 911? Do I get on Twitter and tweet about it? How should I go about letting people know that this guy did it to me and who's actually going to believe me, you know what I'm saying?"

We know what you’re saying all too well. Talk the talk, Amber, and walk the walk. We will too.

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