Amber Rose opens up about sexual assault and unfortunately describes too many women’s experiences

It is no debate that women have come a long way. More women are going to college, taking the driver seat in their careers, and come Nov.9, America could have its first female president (maybe). But even with all of these big moves, now more than ever, the topic of sexual assault is becoming more prevalent. Leading that conversation is mom, amateur dancer, feminist, movement leader, and makeup ambassador Amber Rose. In her latest interview with Yahoo! Style correspondent Joe Zee, Amber Rose talks about sexual assault and speaks for pretty much every woman. She’s sort of amazing.

If you’re unfamiliar with Amber Rose you HAVE to do your research! I became a fan of Amber Rose after she slammed GQ for labeling her as Kanye’s ex and Wiz Khalifa’s baby mama. Since then we have seen so many women speak up and challenge how they are labeled in stories, interviews and in their everyday lives.

This time Rose is speaking up again in regards to Donald Trump’s “locker room” talk

“I want him to get in trouble for it because I cannot even count how many times a famous guy touched me inappropriately. Seriously. Imagine this: Donald Trump comes and touches me inappropriately, right? I’m a regular ass girl. Do I call 911? Do I get on Twitter and tweet about it? How should I go about letting people know that this guy did it to me and who’s actually going to believe me, you know what I’m saying? You just try to get over it, and it happens to so many women.

Although people try to demean Amber Rose, it is so important to LISTEN to what she is saying. The conversation around sexual assault is not going to change unless we are more vocal and educate both men and women. In 2016 we should not be dodging calling sexual assault what it is. Also we need to stop making excuses for grown men that are educated enough to know better.

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