This Amazon feature could make impulse buys *dangerously* easy

Let’s be honest: it was already way too easy to make impulse buys online. Now, Amazon has virtual Dash Buttons on its homepage, and our wallets are basically doomed. From the Amazon grocery store to drone deliveries, the online merchant is all about futuristic convenience. Dash Buttons, it seems, are part of that.

Amazon’s Dash Buttons aren’t a new thing. The company has been experimenting with them since 2015. Their original form is actual, physical buttons you can push when you run out of a product. You place them around the house, and simply click them to reorder something.

While the buttons are basically free — Amazon credits customers back with their first order — they’re only sort of convenient. Yes, we like the idea of pressing a button to reorder cat litter or laundry detergent. But, TBH, who needs little buttons scattered around the house?

The new, digital Dash Buttons don’t clutter your home — just your homepage. Apparently, Amazon also automatically creates buttons for items you’ve recently ordered, and those you order often. However, there is a catch — they’re just for Prime members. They’re also only available for items that come with Prime shipping.

Prime members can delete buttons they don’t want on their homepage. They can also organize their existing buttons, or add ones from a dedicated dashboard. Apparently, the physical Dash Buttons still exist for shoppers who want them, too.

The Dash Buttons seem to be another perk of Amazon Prime. While few people would opt into the service just for them, the two-day shipping, Prime Video, and other perks are definitely tempting.

Amazon’s Dash Buttons are live on both the web and mobile sites as of last night. They do sound super convenient; after all, we love the idea of never running out of essentials. But, they’re also super dangerous for those of us prone to impulse buys (which is all of us).

We guess we’ll just have to be *extra* careful while we’re online shopping, since now we can purchase basically anything with the click of a Dash Button.

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