If you already miss Vine, you might want to look into Hype

When we heard that Vine was shuttering, we got a bit emotional. After all, we haven’t really seen the death of a social media staple since MySpace. However, there’s some good news — if you’re missing Vine, you’ll absolutely love Hype, an app made by the same creators, Colin Kroll and Rus Yusupov.

Hype, which is currently available in the app store, is totally focused around livestreaming. Instead of just broadcasting your footage, you can truly make it pop, by looping in your favorite music and photos in your stream.

It’s also incredibly audience-friendly. When you broadcast live, you’ll be able to partake in Q&A sessions with your audience, and also get to feature their comments.

Also? It’s totally cool with gifs. And when an app is gif-friendly, things get way more fun.

Of course, you probably want to see what it looks like live. Here’s the official intro.

When you see what you’re able to do with Hype, you might not even miss Vine anymore. I mean, what’s six seconds in comparison to streaming for as long as you want?

Speaking of live streaming, it’s definitely big right now. Chances are, you’ve watched a friend broadcast through Facebook Live or Periscope. Hype is already trying to get ahead of the game, by offering advanced features that its two competitors don’t have. Kroll and Yusupov have proven that they have what it takes to make a successful program, so we have no doubt that Hype is going to be huge.

While it’s currently just available for iPhone users, an Android version is coming out shortly.

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