All the yes: you can preorder The Vamp Stamp’s winged eyeliner stamp on Black Friday

Cat-eye lovers rejoice, for our time is nearly afoot! The Vamp Stamp is soooooooo close to being here that starting on Black Friday, we’ll be able to pre-order it for $25. Thank heavens! This way, we can be the first ones to get it when it comes out in 2017! We are not even joking around when we talk about how much we need this eyeliner stamp in our lives. It is going to revolutionize the way we wing. Who among us hasn’t spent countless hours in the bathroom trying to even out our liner that has gotten out of hand? We are always just one hand tremble away from messing up our entire eye makeup game. Soon we can put that all in the past and get ourselves some eyeliner stamps, pronto!
They’ve even got a countdown clock on their website because they know we’re all desperate to get our hands on it!
Oh, the tricks we’ll be able to pull off once it’s in our greedy little clutches!
The stamp comes in two different sizes, Medium Va Va Voom and Large Va Va Voom, depending on how big you want your wing to soar!
It can be as subtle or as dramatic as your heart desires.
According to their Facebook post, they’re going to start with US-based shipping only, and international shipping will be announced later.
The Vamp Stamp is going to cut down on our makeup routine time dramatically!
What will we do with all those extra minutes? Eat a bagel? Pet a kitty? Call our representatives? The choices are endless!
What we do know for sure is, we’ll be the first one’s on that pre-order list if it’s the last thing we do!
It’s a holiday miracle!
Make sure you visit their site on Black Friday to get your name on that list, because we have a hunch the first batch is going to sell out really fast. It’s every beauty lover’s dream come true!