Okay, we’re officially excited about the new ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’ movie

If you haven’t already done so, go ahead and mark down May 27, 2016 on your calendar, because that’s a very important date. It’s the day Alice Through The Looking Glass drops into theaters, and from the looks of the first teasers for the movie, Alice is literally going to drop into theaters. This is good, because it’s about time we made our way back to Wonderland.

Alice Through the Looking Glass will pick up after the events of Alice In Wonderland, with both Johnny Depp and Mia Wasikowska reprising their roles as the Mad Hatter and Alice, respectively. The story will follow some of Lewis Carroll’s original tale, but it’s going to then go in some completely different directions. Like, time travel, anyone? The official super-short plot summary explains that, in the movie, “Alice travels back in time to save the Mad Hatter.” Yeah, that should be a piece of un-birthday cake.

Though there’s no full-length trailer for the movie yet, Disney has released three quick teases of what we’re going to see in the final movie. And yes, they’re short, like they purposely took a Drink Me Potion.

The first shows us Alice, after she opens a door and then falls and falls and faaaaaaalls down to earth wearing some very interesting clothing. Must be the latest Fall fashion in Wonderland.

The second gives us a beautifully decorated house and a deep-blue bird that flies right into a mirror and disappears.

In the third, we’re looking at an ominous castle that happens to be in the shape of a heart. Eeek. You know what that means.

WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? With three teases in three days, hopefully this means Disney is getting ready to release the actual trailer in the near future. We’ll be here waiting. We’ve got plenty of time.

(Image via Disney.)

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