Airport Worker Turns in $7000 in Cash – Would You?

A part-time parking cashier at the Atlanta Airport turned in $7000.00 in cash she found on the curb outside the international terminal. The money was lost by an Alabama foot doctor on his way to Costa Rica on vacation.

Pamela North Holloway, who found the cash, reported it lost immediately to her supervisor who in turn contacted the police. “I could’ve kept the money but I didn’t do that. I’m an honest citizen. I’m a taxpayer and I believe in doing the right thing,” Holloway told WSB-TV.

Dr. Troy Zimbelman called the shuttle service he used at the airport and then the police when he discovered the money was missing. He was eventually able to claim the money because he knew specific details about the money and envelope. “I was very impressed and plan on sending her a little reward money, too. It was a nice thing,” Zimbelman said.

The doctor was running late for a flight to Costa Rica with a group of friends when he lost the money. He discovered the money was missing when he was going through a security checkpoint. He boarded his flight with the hope that he left it in the car before getting to the airport and would retrieve it once he got back to the U.S.

When he returned from vacation he discovered that the money was in fact missing. He assumed that since it was cash it wouldn’t be found, but after about 20 calls, he reached an Atlanta police officer who reunited him with his money. “I’m actually going to send her a check,” he said of Holloway. “Same with the police officer who helped me.”

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