So… apparently Adele was banned from Twitter?

We’ve all tweeted things we wish we hadn’t: veiled threats towards our exes, really embarrassing spelling mistakes, terrible puns. It turns out that celebrities are just like us, or at least Adele is. The British megastar admitted to Graham Norton that she used to have a bad habit of tweeting under the influence.

“I’m not a drinker anymore, but when Twitter first came out, I was drunk-Tweeting and nearly put my foot in quite a few times,” she shared during her hour-long BBC special that will air November 20. “So my management decided that you have to go through two people, and then it has to be signed off by someone.”

Currently, Adele has over 23 million followers on Twitter. Don’t worry, though, she’s still the author of each and every Tweet – they just have to be approved first. Honestly, I think a tweet screening service should be available to celebrities and mere mortals alike. How many times have you read through your feed after a crazy night and wished your manager had been editing your public thoughts?

BBC Music has released only a glimpse of Adele’s November 20th special, where she chats with Graham Norton about music, her life, and her decision to record 25, which comes out that same day. I can only imagine how many drunk tweets that album is going to inspire.

It’s comforting to know Adele makes human mistakes, just like us. Now if only we could be more like her. Excuse me while I go buy ten different kinds of liquid eyeliner.

Catch the sneak peek of Adele singing “Hello” live during her one-hour special here:


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(Image via BBC Music.)

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