Adam Levine had the sweetest exchange with a sick fan on Twitter, and yes, we’re maybe crying

So, we may or may not have started the day off crying, but for once it had nothing to do with losing a fight with the snooze button. Adam Levine responded to a sick fan on Twitter in the sweetest exchange ever, so prepare to join us in a chorus of early morning ugly cries because, UGH, it’s gonna hit you right in the feels.
As Popsugar reports, on Saturday, Twitter user Mac Hunt shared a video of his 16-year-old brother Will playing the keyboard while performing a cover of Maroon 5’s “She Will Be Loved.” In the clip, the teen’s dad backs him up on guitar as they have a full-on jam session next to Will’s bed in the intensive care unit of Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, where he is dealing with heart failure.
Levine saw the video and reposted it with a heartfelt message:
It's hard to express with words what it feels like to know you've helped someone in this way. So instead, I'll just share. Nice job kid. 🙂
— Adam Levine (@adamlevine) October 22, 2016
“It’s hard to express with words what it feels like to know you’ve helped someone in this way,” The Voice coach wrote on Twitter. “So instead, I’ll just share. Nice job kid. :)”
Naturally, Will had a total meltdown:
I can't breath oh my god. Thank you so much I am your number 1 fan. This is CRAZY
— Will Hunt (@Willhunt190) October 22, 2016
“I can’t breath oh my god,” Will responded on Twitter. “Thank you so much I am your number 1 fan. This is CRAZY.”
*wipes tears and weeps progressively louder*
So, this was just awesome all the way around. From Will’s kick-ass cover to Levine’s response, our emotions are just as wrecked as the little girl who cried because Levine is married.
BRB y’all, we need a minute to pull it together.