Adam Driver is confused and adorable in this ~live~ Snickers Super Bowl commercial

Anything can happen when you’re performing live, just ask Kate McKinnon, anyone from any of FOX’uu big budget live musicals and now the adorable Adam Driver in this live Snickers Super Bowl commercial. Snicker’s ads have scored big names (who in her right mind would pass on a call from Snickers?) and sport the very clever, very cutesy mechanism of implying that “you’re not you when you’re hungry,” and the solution is to — what else? — “grab a Snickers.” Adam is a departure from the usual big name cameo spot they rolled out from 2010 and on (remember Willem Dafoe’s legs in that famous Marilyn Monroe spot? Or how about Betty White getting tackled to the ground playing football?), but he is just plain adorable in it.
Even when royally screwing up, he’s still fun to watch. Way to make your Super Bowl commercial debut, Kylo Ren!
The ad finds Adam entering a little late and super confused on the timing in this “live” ad. We assume he’s supposed to come out of this wild western saloon, announce himself and make three dead-on shots, knocking his opponents to the ground with x’s for eyes. What happens instead? A little mix up and what we’re guessing is gonna be a pretty expensive re-set. Oops! Good thing he’s cute?
Here’s hoping this never happened on the set of The Force Awakens. Or Girls, for that matter.
The commercials during this year’s Super Bowl LI were political, comical, satirical and, as seen above, just plan silly and reliable. It was a year for messages, both subtle and…not so subtle, but we think we got the message from this ad: put Adam Driver in everything. Anyone who can walk through a collapsing set and still manage to remain endearing and adorable has got to be talented.