Adam Driver can only recall fond memories of Carrie Fisher, which is very touching

It should come as no surprise, but the Carrie Fisher tributes and memories just keep on trickling in. During an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Adam Driver recalled fond memories of Carrie Fisher from the Star Wars set. Both are part of the franchise, so obviously they got a chance to spend some time together. (And while Driver is still a bit new to it, we have a sinking suspicion that Fisher probably welcomed him and treated him like family from day one of shooting.)
During the show, Driver discussed his many current projects — he’s currently in the film Silence, and also appears in the New Jersey-centric film Paterson. Both of them are getting incredible reviews.
But around the 6:30 mark, he gets into how Carrie Fisher truly inspired him.
"As you can kind of tell from meeting her, she burns very bright and has such a great, very generous energy," Driver said. "She just ... to have her character... missing from a very small unit is a tragedy."
Such a beautiful compliment. Driver noted that he filmed with her for the upcoming Star Wars film this past summer — and that film is expected to be out at the end of this year.
"The last time I saw her was on set being Princess Leia," Driver commented.
Fisher probably would have cracked up at the lightsaber thumb war that followed between Driver and Colbert. Between hearing about filming, and the brief battle, now we definitely can’t wait for the next movie to come out.