This guy’s act of kindness earned him free pizza for a year
Remember back in August, when that guy accidentally started a Twitter war that ended up landing him free pizza for a year? Well, we’re thinking he should totally be BFFs with Mike Vegas, who just landed himself a year of free pizza, too. . . but this time, for a super honest act of kindness.
Mike, who hails from Berkeley, California, recently decided to order himself some grub from Domino’s. “I ordered some pizzas and I thought I was going to have the day off. I was going to sit at home and enjoy my relaxation,” Mike told ABC 7 News.
You go, Mike! TREAT YOURSELF. He ate a slice (talk about self-control) and put the rest in the fridge. However, little did he know that, when he was away from his phone, it had been ringing like crazy. “My phone started blowing up and I wasn’t looking at the random messages. I was at work so I wasn’t answering,” he told ABC 7.
Turns out the delivery driver had been the one blowing up his phone. After Mike’s house, he had only one more delivery to make, then was going to be heading to the bank to deposit some big ol’ stacks of cash. He put the dough (pun totally intended) in the wings box for safe-keeping, then forgot about it. That’s right. . . the delivery driver’s money ended up in Mike’s kitchen. “About 5 a.m., I got home from work and went to my refrigerator and pulled out what I thought was wings,” Mike explained. “It turned out to be 1,300 bucks.”
Sounds a lot like those questions your parents would ask you when you were a kid — you know, if you found a wallet filled with money, what would you do with it? Except this time, it’s in a box of wings, and it was literally delivered TO YOUR HOUSE. Mike decided to take to Facebook to explain the situation to his friends. “I wrote a Facebook post, and of course there’s a long list of people arguing you should keep it, you shouldn’t keep it, you should keep it, you shouldn’t keep it,” he told ABC 7. “I wanted to keep it, believe me. But I can’t, I can’t do that.” // < ![CDATA[
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