Absolutely hearting this couple recreating their 40-year-old wedding photo

Celebrating a 40th wedding anniversary is a super-mega-awesome-big deal, and definitely worth finding a fun way to mark the occasion. For Reddit user Magic976’s parents, that meant busting out the wedding album for some awesome photo inspiration!

The couple were married in 1975, after what might be the most 1970s meet-cute we can imagine. They were at a bar called “The Lower Level,” according to Magic976, when his dad walked over to his mom and asked, “You wanna boogie?” Fellas, take note: That is a pick-up line that can actually win you some hearts!

Now, four decades later, the couple decided to recreate their wedding photos. Magic976’s mom made their outfits for the big day back in 1975, and they still fit perfectly. And although a little has changed in the past forty years, they’re clearly just as in love as ever.

We always love seeing couples celebrate their love in unique, fun ways, and the trend of recreating old photographs might be one of our favorites! There’s something so heartwarming and sweet about seeing the side-by-side shots, and we’re sure it induces a lot of laughs during the photo shoot! And for this couple, well, we just hope they went over to The Lower Level for a drink afterwards!

(Images via)

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