Apparently all you need to get stronger abs is good POSTURE, and we’re so curious
While a six pack isn’t a requirement to have a killer bod (because, of course, all bodies are good bodies!) if stronger abs are a thing on your radar, we’ve got some interesting news. It’s all too easy to scroll through Instagram and get obsessed with how other people’s bodies look. But one Instagrammer exposed a trick that fitness icons use to make their abs look ah-mazing. And it call comes down to posture. Apparently, one tricky way to get abs is by shifting how you stand. Posture has an impact on your abdominal muscles, and the reverse is true, too. Strengthening your core improves posture, so it’s really a win-win all around!
In the video, Carly Rowena shows that her abs look different depending on how she stands.
With this video, Rowena hopes to change the way we think about the ~perfect body~ because it doesn’t exist!
"There are many things i love about social media but one of the things i wish i could change is this obsession with being perfect, we all have good, bad and normal days, in truth there is no such thing as perfect but there is such things as beauty, it comes naturally and has nothing to do with appearance but heart."
She explained why she wanted to make this video, and it’s pretty body positive.
"I've wanted to film this little body video for awhile, you can be pull it in, push it out or relax, all looks are the same and neither one more healthy."
We love that point. Having or not having visible abs doesn’t necessarily mean someone is or isn’t healthy! All bodies are different, and there’s no need to compare your bod to anyone else’s. Remember when we said all bodies are good bodies? Well, we meant it!