This abortion clinic worker has a very important request and it’s a must-read for everyone

A woman’s right to make crucial decisions about her own body is constantly under attack by government officials. That’s why an anonymous abortion clinic worker’s request on Reddit is a must-read for women and men — because her message applies to far more than abortion. Her post notes that she works in a “very conservative” state and, as part of her job, she’s required to report the reasons patients give for seeking abortions.

"Our legislators think it is their business to know the reasons why you had an abortion," she wrote in her post. So she has a request for any woman who finds herself filling out paperwork for an abortion — if you're asked to provide a reason, write "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS."

“There is no good reason for the state to be asking these questions other than they want to shame you and make you feel like you need to explain yourself and justify your decision to people who know nothing about you or your life,” she wrote.

Of course, the nurses at the clinic are happy and willing to discuss a patient's decision confidentially if the woman needs or wants someone to talk to during the process. However, the state-mandated paperwork shouldn't be a part of that conversation. It's a woman's right to choose whether or not to terminate her pregnancy, and it's also her right to have privacy when it comes to the reason for her abortion.

The clinic worker noted that it gives her “great joy” to write “NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” when writing up reports — but for women who are feeling less hostile, “It’s a personal decision” will also do just fine.

The importance of her message extends beyond abortion. If you go to a clinic for any sort of sexual or reproductive health care, you do not need to give the government a reason. It's your body and, whether you're seeking a birth control prescription or an abortion, the government has no right to know why.

In just 24 hours, the post has received over 1,400 comments — including from women who plan to follow the clinic worker’s advice and write “none of your business” on their paperwork.

This gesture sends a strong message to the government — you don’t get to shame us for our choices. Our personal stories — as the clinic worker said — are absolutely none of your business.

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