Aaron Paul’s wife Lauren opened up about the breastfeeding issue no one talks about
While having a newborn is amazing and life-altering and all that, not many people prepare you for the realities of breastfeeding. However, Lauren Paul, Aaron Paul’s wife and mom to new baby Story, just got incredibly real about the struggle.
While nursing can be absolutely wonderful should that be your chosen route, some women have health problems they don’t anticipate. And Lauren just revealed that within a three-week span of time, she developed mastitis twice.
Mastitis occurs when the mammary gland gets inflamed, and it’s common for women who have sensitive or injured nipples — which often happens when you’re first getting the hang of breastfeeding. It also often occurs when a milk duct is blocked, and it can cause a fever — which is the last thing a new mother needs.
"I was fighting a fever that almost hit 104. It was the sickest I have ever felt," Lauren wrote. "For the mammas who have been there, I know you feel me. What I keep coming back to is the fact that I feel like all these very common issues that can come up immediately after having a baby are not really discussed at length and being here now, I’m feeling a responsibility to share this so that any new mamma-to-be reading this is aware of these potential issues."
When breastfeeding goes “wrong,” many women blame themselves or think they must be alone in the experience— especially because there’s relatively little discussion about all the varied and normal issues that pop up for new moms.
"There are so many things that can happen...an oversupply of milk leading to infection, your baby having trouble latching, having an undersupply...being aware of this will be so helpful so that you will know how to avoid or handle these things," she continued. "So with that, I wanna give a big virtual hug to all the mammas out there who have had any type of issue breastfeeding or are dealing with anything physically or emotionally difficult, be it with you or your child. You are not alone."
We applaud Lauren for opening up about her breastfeeding issues and helping to remove the mystery around this kind of thing for so many other women. Thank you, Lauren!