A little girl just gave Gaston a piece of her mind at Disneyland, empowering us all

Remember watching Beauty and the Beast as a kid and seething with rage every time Gaston mistreated Belle, Maurice, the Beast, and, well, every other character in the movie? Didn’t it just ~infuriate~ you as young, budding feminist?

Well, a six-year-old girl named Lucy will not tolerate such behavior and she gave Gaston a piece of her mind during a visit to Disneyland — fulfilling a childhood fantasy and reminding us to stick up for what’s right.

Lucy, who was looking adorably snazzy in her full Snow White attire, was in line to meet her favorite princess when she spotted Gaston. She took it upon herself to school him about his deplorable behavior:

“Why were you being so mean to Belle? she asked. You’ve gotta be nice… Treat people the way you want to be treated!


You tell him, Lucy! Her mom, who happened to catch the interaction on video, told the Huffington Post that she’s “very proud of her kind little heart.


This isn't the first time Gaston has been schooled by a budding feminist. In December 2014, a little girl named Isabella confronted Disneyworld's Gaston after he told her she belongs in the kitchen.

A woman’s place is in the kitchen? Isabella refused to tolerate this sexism and she really let him have it.


Let’s give a major round of applause to little girls like Lucy and Isabella who aren’t afraid to stick up for themselves. They know that sometimes, you’ve just gotta do what’s necessary — tell a misogynist (fictional or otherwise) that his behavior will not be tolerated.

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