This shop is making donuts inspired by our favorite ’90s snacks, and we’d like a Dunkaroos one, please

What is better than all your favorite ’90s throwback snacks like Dunkaroos or Hawaiian Fruit Punch? How about these donuts inspired by ’90s snacks!

In what has got to be the best thing to happen to snack food in a while, a donut shop is offering ’90s-themed donuts.

PV Donuts in Providence, RI, is making all our ’90s dreams come true.

The donut shop, which already features hand-made donuts (amazing), is offering donuts inspired by ’90s snack foods for the next month. In our opinion, that is not nearly long enough, but we understand that all beautiful things cannot last forever. So if you can’t make it over to Providence in time, check out these amazing photos and live vicariously through the citizens of Rhode Island.

Wildberry Pop Tart donuts.

We cannot believe that this amazingness is allowed to exist.

A Dunkaroos donut.

Pinch us, because we seriously have to be dreaming.

Cosmic Brownie donuts.

Our ’90s hearts are filled with all the love and light of the universe.

A Moon Pie donut.

A Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup donut.

Because of course, this list wouldn’t be complete without it.

Pop Rocks donuts.

If you dream it, it can come true.

And finally, the ultimate ’90s treat: the Rice Krispie Treat donut.

The world is a beautiful, perfect place.

We are so happy to know that these donuts exist. So be right back, we’re all hitching a ride to Providence, RI, right now to snag some of these while we still can. Check out the video below to see more of how these magical ’90s donuts are made.